Blog > How To Overcome Shadow Banning!

How To Overcome Shadow Banning!

How To Overcome Shadow Banning!

InBranding, Business, Social Media Posted onOct 22, 2022
  • Do you have a love-hate relationship with social media – on the one hand, you love the “FREE” access you have to speak to your target audience, but on the flip side, you hate all the crap you have to do to actually get in front of them?
  • Potentially you have noticed a considerable drop in social media engagement?
  • Perhaps you never got much engagement in the first place and are stuck wondering why?
  • Have you ever just needed to take a break from it because it all feels too much?
  • Maybe you hired other people to do your social media, but still, it is the same old story of a few likes, the odd comment and no customers.

I get it, all you want is to find your ideal tribe, serve them, and create a win-win—transformation for them and a successful, fulfilling business with a reliable income. But instead, you’re the world’s best-kept secret.

Then the likelihood is you have fallen victim to the business-crushing effects of the Algorithm or worst still you have been Shadow banned. More on this later…


Now before you slam your email shut and accuse me of being some sort of mind reader.

The harsh reality is I have been there myself. I know what it feels like to spend hours thinking of an idea, creating the written content or video, even going through the hassle of using Grammarly to spell check it only for it to be seen by no one or, worse still, the freebie brigade (people who won’t invest in themself and want everything for free).

It got so bad a few years ago that my business was on the brink of collapse. I either had to figure this s*** out or give up my business and brand altogether.

At this point, I became aware that I had fallen victim to business crushing effects of the Algorithm.

So what do I mean by this?

The Algorithm is a piece of artificial intelligence that a platform uses to establish the rules (the code of conduct on their site), one such rule being who to show your content to.

If you’re a coach or business owner struggling to get your content seen, you must understand one thing! The Algorithm is KING, if it favours you, your content will be seen, but if it doesn’t, you experience many of the issues I described above.

But the truth of the matter is when it comes to building your business, the Algorithm can not be trusted due to its underlying bias. Regardless of what the gurus say, the Algorithm is not there to support you or make you money; it’s quite the opposite.

The Algorithm is there to make the respective social media company money. And if a social media company makes money from ads, is there any wonder that the Algorithm is strangling your organic reach?

If this was not bad enough, you also have shadow banning to contend with.

So What Is Shadowbanning?

Well, a ban on social media is where you lose access to privileges like commenting, posting, or messaging etc. When you have been banned, social media usually notifies you of this.

However, shadowbanning occurs when a social media site hides your content without warning. You can still see your content, and everything looks fine, but the reality is only a select few people can see what you have posted, causing a massive decrease in engagement.

To add insult to injury, even though there are reports of this happening repeatedly, social media companies are not forthcoming with how shadowbanning works on their site.

This means there is no definitive answer as to how you can get out of it or even prevent it in the first place.

So as business owners, this leaves us in a very precarious position. It essentially means if your business is dependent on the social media Algorithm, it is a disaster waiting to happen.

This is why I had to learn how to build a business independent of the Algorithm, and it is crucial that you learn how to do this also.

The bottom line is…

  • If you are relying solely on posting content to get your clients and it is not working.
  • If you have tried promoting challenges, offers, free strategy, landing pages, webinars, free sessions, reaching out in DM’s or stalking other people’s groups, and it’s not working.
  • If you’re forced to work a job you dislike because you can not get your business off the ground.
  • If you have hit a plateau and can not scale to the next level.

Then it is obvious that you have either fallen victim to the Algorithm or you do not know how to get your message out there.

The key is, understanding how to get in front of your target audience and build a relationship, regardless of whether they see your content. To achieve this, you need a dynamic brand strategy.

Let me explain:

Although branding is a big area, I have found that a lead-generation brand strategy can be broken down into 5 distinct phases.

  • 1) Master your brand voice explaining what you offer in a way that people get it.
  • 2) Understanding where to find your micro-micro niche and what assets to include in your brand to attract them.
  • 3) Understand the buyer’s journey and use the assets in your brand to help your potential customers/clients understand that your work is right for them. This will help them to make an informed, yes to work with you and stops the need for pressuring sales calls.
  • 4) Understand the buyer’s psychology. This is based on the concept of inner safety; your brand should make your potential clients feel safe to work with you.
  • 5) Ditch the sales call, instead understand how to structure a closing call for you to make consistent sales that feel aligned, congruent and not salesy.

Now you may think the 5 parts I mentioned are easier said than done. You may even have been trying to implement some of the parts I shared to no avail.

This is why we created the Brand You To Success Academy: With the academy you will get the essential step-by-step training & support you need to rapidly start or grow your online business, social media following & get more premium clients by implementing the 5 part strategy mentioned above.

These 5 components, as part of my brand strategy, have not only worked for me but have helped my clients to transform their businesses by helping them to generate a consistent stream of clients/customers into their business and gain more time and freedom… See testimonials here!

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